This morning we woke to the neighbors knocking on the door with snowballs in their hands. Despite it being Sunday we went out and had a frolic in the first real snow of the year. Scott tried out our new garage sale find shovel, and the rest of us made snow angels, and pelted each other with snow. Sean was the only one who initially was left out of the fun. He was invited, but wouldn't leave his warm bed for the cold out doors. We got his attention by throwing snowballs at his window until he peaked through the slats of his blinds. Still he was not fully roused until Megan and Taylor (neighbor) took the snow to him. Sean was apparently laying in bed with his shirt off so Megan ran screaming from his room, but the snow at least got him up. By this time the neighbors on the other side of us had joined the fray, and while I prepared hot chocolate and breakfast Sean decided that he needed to traumatize his sisters by coming down the stairs without his shirt on. (Our level of modesty is very high - the little girls run around without much on, but they get grossed out when Sean is half naked). He thought he would be immune to snowballs because the girls would flee from his white flesh so he stepped out into the back yard shirtless and shoeless. Scott proceeded to lock the door. It was great fun watching Sean hopping back and forth on his frozen feet while being pelted with snow balls.
Unfortunately, the nudity incidents in our house didn't stop there. Later as we were quickly getting ready for church Scott went to shower. Our bathroom is set up so that the toilet area has a sliding door enabling privacy. As Scott is standing beside the shower waiting for it to heat up he hears a knocking coming from somewhere. He thinks it is the kids knocking from the girls bathroom which backs up to ours. He ignores it until he hears the knocking again. He calls out, "Hello?" and from the bathroom Kimber says, "can I come out." Scott said a resounding "No!", and grabbed a towel. Kimber says she didn't see anything, but it's never good for a child to be even that close to seeing a parent naked. I hope for her sake that she is not scared for life.
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