Friday, January 1, 2010

2009 Year in Review

Megan turned 13
Sean began driver’s ed
Jen took Lifeguard training

Scott turned . . . Older
Brooke and Kendra turned 7
Sean got his learner’s permit

Jen began lifeguarding at the YMCA
and continued subbing for the school district

Found out Kimber has scoliosis
Sean went to Disney land with band

Sean got his braces off and began attending stake dance team
Jen turned . . .40, and Scott threw a great party

Scott and Jen attend Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University

Sean completed WSI and Lifeguarding
Sean turned 16
Jen’s family came to Boise for a reunion
Sean had high adventure
Ward campout

Played at Eagle Island

Kimber turned 11
Megan’s braces off, volleyball
Sean’s first date
Camping at Wallowa Lk

Sean went to Sadies, jazz band, marching band, swimming
Jen called as R.S. pres

Big Thanksgiving dinner at our house, Nielsons, Stephersons, Andersons, and Loaders

Enjoyed singing in choir, shopping and spending time together

As you can tell from a “quick review” our life seems to revolve around our oldest and most active child, Sean. The rest of us really do have a life, but it often seems overshadowed by all of the running around we do for Sean. He did take drivers ed and he did his Eagle scout project, but he has yet to finish all of the paper work to complete the Eagle and get his license. Someday he will drive himself to his activities.

Scott is working for JST Manufacturing, and we are thankful for a job. He has recently been called to be the Weebelos leader, and the ward website administrator. He faithfully plays volleyball on Wednesday nights as well as on a coed city league team. He also picks up the pieces when Jen is falling apart.

Jen stays busy Lifeguarding in the morning from 4:45—8:00 am, helping at the school twice a week, college classes, Relief Society Pres, Bunco, Volleyball, blah, blah, blah

Sean . . . well it can’t always be about him, but we are proud of him, and grateful for a great son.
Megan is getting better at volleyball, marched in her first parade, spins circles around everyone on her roller blades, and entertains her sisters when she is not reading every book she can get her hands on (she loves Shakespeare).

Kimber is an awesome 5th grader. She loves her teacher and does really well at school. She still really just loves to play with friends, read, and watch Avatar. She has been great about wearing her back brace, and adjusted quickly.

Brooke is all about friends and fashion. She discovered that she likes to do her hair, and if she begs mom long enough she gets a friend over. She is a whiz at spelling and is getting faster with her math facts.

Kendra loves bugs, and that says it all. She begged for a tarantula last year, and her favorite books from the library are about really ugly bugs. She has a mind of her own, and is very independent.

It’s been a crazy busy year, and quite honestly, I can’t believe it’s over. On to 2010.

We truly have been blessed this year with everything we need. We began this year worried about finances, with a car we could not afford, credit card debt creeping up on us, and medical bills. Fortunately, we began to get better control of our finances, were able to sell the car, pay off the credit card, and the medical bills and we are working toward financial freedom. We are a stronger family, and more committed to living a more prudent lifestyle. Although losing Scott’s job was difficult, we have seen so many blessings come our way as we have begun to prioritize and see how we can live on less, save more, and still enjoy our time together with friends and family. Thank you all for your love and support. We are so thankful for the tender mercies of the Lord. This holiday season I have especially felt the love of the Savior for us, and have felt the spirit through stories, music, and scriptures. I began reading the New Testament in November and was able to read the different accounts of the Savior's life before the Christmas season began. It helped me to remember what we are really celebrating at this time of the year, and that we need to celebrate everyday.Have a wonderful Holiday Season.

We love you!

1 comment:

LeeAnn and Boys said...

Dear Friend
I'm so glad to hear that you had a wonderful year. You are an amazing person. I haven't seen you forever but I still think of you as a wonderful friend. I still remember your kindness of throwing me a baby shower for my first baby. I think of working out at the YMCA together--by the way I finally ran a half marathon this fall! And I'm tearing up thinking about how you looked to find something in common with me so that we could be friends regardless of the differences in our lives. Big hugs to all the Andersons!
LeeAnn Robinson